Wednesday 3 September 2008

Decking Lighting

There are many different types of lights available to light up your decking. Below are two of the best decking lights available.

Halogen Deck Lights

This type of decking light can be inserted into your garden decking (as shown below). You may want to place them in the main decking boards or in the steps leading up to the decking. This gives you the chance to light up your decking so that it can be used later into the evening and the lights can be positioned so that the light faces towards the middle of the decking in order to light it up. These lights can also be attached to the wall if there is a wall nearby.

Please click on the following link for more information -

LED Lighting

This type of lighting can also be inserted into your garden decking (as shown below). As can be seen from the picture this type of lighting is more hidden than the halogen light. They can be used to light up steps or a main decking area, it doesn't matter where they are placed because you can walk on them. You are likely to require more lights placed around the decking if you choose LED's than if you were to have halogen decking lights.

Please click on the following link for more information -

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