Monday 18 August 2008

Useful decking questions & answers

How long is decking likely to last?
This is difficult to estimate as it depends on how well the deck boards are looked after. If looked after properly (treated using a specialist deck treatment) decking should last for around 25 years.

Is decking slippery?
Generally decking isn’t slippery if it's exposed to sunlight and treated properly.

Are grooved decking boards better than smooth?
The only difference between these two is that grooved decking is less slippery when wet.

What difference is there between hardwood and softwood decking?
There is very little difference when considering how long each will last. Hardwood is more expensive though.

How are weeds controlled underneath garden decking?
Weed control fabric can be placed underneath the decking as part of the base.

Is there any ventilation around the decking?
Yes, slight gaps are usually left between each deck board which helps air flow underneath and around the decking, and allows for drainage.

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